Auto-Tracts is a brand new, industry-leading subscription service custom-built for Advanced Aerobic Systems: Say Hello to Automated Septic Maintenance Contracts!
What do we mean by “Automated”? Auto-Tracts is a subscription service for automatically renewing septic maintenance contracts on this website. Auto-Tracts even signs your contract for you using a digital signature. It’s completely automated which provides you, the customer, with more options tailored to your specific needs. For instance we can now offer a monthly payment option. So now, instead of paying hundreds of dollars up-front every year, you only have to pay a small fee each month.
If you’ve ever had a maintenance contract for your septic system, you know how frustrating it can get: You haven’t received your inspection report yet, you’re not even sure if that inspection has been completed yet. Or even worse, you forgot to send in payment for your renewal and the county sends you a “notice of violation” letter as a result. With Auto-Tracts, all these problems are a thing of the past:
Enjoy the following benefits:
- Automatic contract renewal (no more hassles from the county)
- Low monthly payments (spread your payment out)
- 24/7 Online access to your account
- Contract Inspections
- Invoices Photos
- Proposals
- Contract Add-ons (Build-your-Plan)
- And More!